Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Starting With Affiliate Marketing

Are you building your affiliate marketing business? Then you probably will want to draft out your business plan. Please don't ignore this step as it will prove worthy in your business.

Do you know how many competitors you are facing in your affiliate marketing business? You will see that with a simple search in Google using your business keyword. As the time this post was written, there are 38,500,000 businesses competing in the "affiliate marketing" arena.

Then, you will want to know what your competitors are offering to the customers. You can see this by looking at the top 20 searches in Google under your niche. Once you know what your competitors are offering, you can then create something that is better than them and offer that to your customers.

But since you are just starting to build your affiliate marketing business, it is best that you use your competitors offer as a guideline to what you need to do to make money with affiliate marketing. You can start your own creation when you are more familiar with this business.

Do you plan to build a website? It is true that you can make money with affiliate marketing without having a website. But do you know that the top earning affiliate marketers in the world all have their own website?

They even target each affiliated product to one single webpage. This might seems to involve quite a sum of money paying for the domain name and hosting services, they are actually separating themselves from the novice affiliate marketers.

Besides, you can do a lot of things when you have website. You can display your product in anyway you like it to be, put in special code to make the product stand out or even tell an impressive story to mesmerize your customers.

Although some affiliate marketing beginners understand the importance of having a website, they made the mistake of putting every affiliated product into one website, ranging from electronics to insurance policy. You are making your customers confuse as what is your focus in your business. Personally, this is even worse than not having a website. Luckily, this kind of mistakes have tone down over the years.

After you have built a website, do you know how long you can keep your customers there? It is often said that you only have 10 - 30 seconds to impress your visitors so that they will stay at your website.

The best way to do that is to keep your website content updated. If you are sharing information with your customers, make sure that you have something new to show to your customers. I know that a lot of you are running your affiliate marketing business while juggling an offline job. If you can't post new content everyday, can you at least post something new 2 - 3 times a week? You can always create something new in advance and post them in the future.

Roger Collier once said "success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out."

Create your success,

Wong Michael. :-)

Remember, making money with affiliate marketing is easy when you know how. :-)

P.S. Building a successful affiliate marketing business can be devastating sometime. Still, you can always talk to me and get more tips of how you can earn your online income with ease.

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