Friday, June 19, 2009

Affiliate Marketing Tips You Must Remember

If you have been following closely with your affiliate marketing business, I believe you are quite clear about the business by now. You might not be making money yet but at least you know how the game is play. So, below are some tips to share with you and if you have seen them before, just ignore them.

1. Cookies

Now, it is common that you customers don't buy from you the first time they see your offer. Well, they have all the reasons to and you have to respect that. Do you remember how you were told that you need to have a platform to capture these customers so that they don't slip away?

What if you don't have the money to get the autoresponder service? Luckily, a lot of the affiliate programs offer cookies which usually last 30-90 days. This means if your customers return to get the product within that period, you will still earn the commission. Quite a nice feature if you ask me.

Still, this is not a long term solution for your affiliate marketing business. You have to get your autoresponder service as soon as possible.

2. Banners

Despite of what you have read, banners still have it potential in the business. However, you have to be diligent when you are placing banners on your blog or website.

If your website is filled with banners, you are actually confusing your customers. You are not giving a clear message to your customers. And when people are confused, they are most likely to leave your website.

What is most important is that your customers are going to have bad impression with you when they leave your website in confusion. They might think that you are taking advantage on them. And this is the last thing you want your customers to think about you.

So, when you are putting banners on your blog or website, please put some sense before you do that.

3. Tracking

I don't know about you, but I used to refuse to track my result when I started my affiliate marketing business. I thought that it is extra work to track the result. As long as the customers by the product, I earn the commission and that is it. Why the fuss?

It was not until that I have overspent my budget that I understand how important tracking is. If I have looked at the report, I could have spent the money on other tools to build my affiliate marketing business. At least I can have more money to pay for the autoresponder service.

So, listen to me. Tracking is very important to save your cost.

Create your success,

Wong Michael. :-)

Remember, making money with affiliate marketing is easy when you know how. :-)

P.S. Building a successful affiliate marketing business can be devastating sometime. Still, you can always talk to me and get more tips of how you can earn your online income with ease.

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