Saturday, June 6, 2009

How To Make Your Affiliate Marketing Business Successful

As the title implies, the most profitable product that you can be affiliated to is the "How To" product. How To Lose Weight In 7 Days, How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing, How To Get Him Back In 5 Simple Steps etc. And to add onto the good news, you can find these products easily online and they are available almost in every niche.

Then, you have to research on the niches and one place you can go is I always go there to check on the current hot topic. Look for the bold and larger size words. The bigger and bolder they are, the hotter the topic. And when you click on the words, you will see 10 more topics that are under that hot topic and my friend, you just found 10 hot sub niches that you can start make money with.

After that, you will also want to find profitable keywords for your niche and you can go to Key in your niche keyphrases and look at the approximate searches. Always remember that the higher the more searches for the keyphrases, the stronger the competition. If you are just starting with affiliate marketing, you probably will want to target the less search keyphrases.

Once you got the keyphrases, you can start to write articles about them and post the articles to the various article directories. And in the resource box, remember to direct the link to your website or blog. Please don't direct your customers to the merchants' website directly. Not just that some article directories will reject articles with affiliate link, you also will lose your contact when you refer the link to the merchants' site directly.

Have you ever though of posting in forums?

Since you have 10 hot sub topics for your niche, you can join these forums and post some answers to the members post. And since you are being an affiliate in these niches, I expect that you already have some knowledge about the topics and it shouldn't be a problem for you to answer some basic questions in the forums.

You can also look for tab that allows you to publish your articles to boost your credibility in the forums. And when your reputation is high, it is easier for the members to believe in your recommendations.

One thing you have to be very careful is that some forums don't allow you to promote any products in the discussion and you have to respect that. After all, forums were meant for discussion. What you can do is to look for tab that is specifically design for product promotion. You can showcase your product there and show a short post about the benefits of your products.

But what if the forums don't provide any platform for product recommendation? Then, you will have to look at how active are the forums. If the forums are really active in your niche, you will have to post more and link the members to your website through your signature.

I hope the tips above have provided you some insight to how you can start to make money with affiliate marketing. :-)

Create your success,

Wong Michael. :-)

Remember, making money with affiliate marketing is easy when you know how. :-)

P.S. Building a successful affiliate marketing business can be devastating sometime. Still, you can always talk to me and get more tips of how you can earn your online income with ease.

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