Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Actually Affect Your Affiliate Marketing Income

As you understand, your online income is always changing and this is most likely because of:

1. Change of the trading environment - Changes in law, politics, global or local economy and other things that happen outside affiliate marketing might affect your earning potential.

2. Innovation - People are interested about new things. Just highlight "New" for your products and people will want to look at it. Imagine that your new software or tool is the first in the market and it fits the market needs. I bet you will earn so much that you never imagine before.

3. Bargaining power - How about the merchant agree to your proposal and give you a 20% discount on his PLR products. You can then sell it for a full price, earning yourself more money or you can sell it at lower price, benefiting more visitors.

4. Change of customer needs and behavior - Customer behavior and needs changes constantly. If you took the wrong boat, you might need to kiss your affiliate marketing income goodbye.

Now, what else do you think can affect your affiliate marketing income? Join me in this discussion by leaving your valuable comments here. :-)

Create your success,

Wong Michael. :-)

Remember, earning big is easy as long as you know how. :-)

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