Saturday, November 15, 2008

Something To Share...

Branding is very important to whatever business you are in. it is not just about building an image about your product, it also involve building image about you.

I read this in the newspaper and think this can really help in your affiliate marketing success.

I suppose that you are good with branding your product. So, the example I show you will be about branding yourself.

1. Brand vision

What is your ultimate goal in affiliate marketing? Are you clear about it? Do you want to be the world highest earning affiliate marketer?

2. Brand mission

What is your mission in the market? What can you do for your prospects and customers? Do you want to be their leader, mentor and friend?

3. Brand experience

What can your customers experience when they do business with you? Safety, satisfaction or strong support?

Stroke on your customers emotion and they will stroke you back.

4. Brand relationship

Will you buy from a stranger or someone you know & trust?

You must build long term relationship with your customers. It is always easier to sell to satisfied customers than new one. Who knows, your customers might even be your speak person. Remember, word of mouth is a very powerful advertising tool.

5. Brand positioning

Where do you stand in your customers' mind? Do you have something unique and different?

Ever heard of "unique selling proposition (USP)"? You are the best USP in the whole wide world. Because there is only one YOU, one unique you in this world.

Sell yourself. Drum that into your customers' mind.

6. Brand character

Are you just a robot that creates messages from your processor?

Let your customers know who you are. Share your passion and enthusiasm through text, audio or video.

7. Brand execution

What are you going to do to build your image? Are you going to lay there and wait for money to fall to you?

Your actions represent who you are. If you do nothing, no one will know who you are. Even you are the best person in the world who only cares for others welfare, if you don't take action and tell the world, you will still be the small potato as you are.

I know building a brand is not easy and that is why you should start today. Remember these few tips and practice them. Once you do this long enough, people will know you are a genuine person.

Create Your Success,

Wong Michael. :-)

Remember, earning big is easy when you know how. :-)

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