Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Want To Start My Own Business

"I want to start my own business." You might have thought of that before. Whether you want to start an offline or online business, there are criteria which I think you need to consider:


As much as you want to avoid it, you need to invest money to make money.

Of course you can afford a grand launching if you have lots of money to invest.

But what if you are just an ordinary person like me? Are we doomed to work for others for the rest of our life?

Of course not.

If you don't have much capital, you can start off with a smaller business model. You can expand your business as more profits are coming in. This will be difficult task. But if you really want to be your own boss, if you really want to take control over your life, you will do it.


You can't just think that "I want to start my own business!" and money will come to you.

You need a system to your business.

This is simply because a system provides a guide of what you need to do next and you will know what you will get from every step you have taken. So, if anything went wrong, you will know where to correct it.

Being systematic also helps you to save time and money.

When you identify the problematic step, you can drill in immediately for solution. People often scramble for solution if they don't know what went wrong. But with a system, you save time looking for an answer and you won't be spending unnecessarily for irrelevant solutions.

Risk taking

No matter you are running an offline or online business, there will be risk. There is no guarantee that you will make any profit or getting your capital back.

Let's look at it this way, if you don't dare to take the risk, will you be able to be your own boss?

That is why you need to understand your business to minimize your risk.


Just look at any successful business in the world. Does the business owner do all the things by himself?

If you want to have a successful business, you need to learn delegate responsibilities to someone else. If you are running an online business, you should consider outsource some of your works.

I am afraid that you might be too tired to enjoy the profit from your business if you do all the things by yourself.


When you started your business, you might not get your return as soon as you think. Even you make some money, the result might not be as lucrative as you have imagined. Often, that is when most people give up their business.

But before you throw in the towel, I urge you to think about this "Rome was not built in one day" and that goes the same to your business.

Once you have decided to start your own business, you should start to encrypt persistency into your DNA too.

When you are running your own business, there will be more challenges running into you. If you are not persistence in pursuing your dream, what you have done so far will be flush into the drain.

Learn from mistakes

There is a high tendency that you will make mistakes in your business.

It can be a single word in your message that ruins your business. You might not like one of the words in this post and cause you to not find out more about the ad at the side.

It can be this paragraph that causes you to not believe in me.

There are lots of chances for you to make mistakes in your business. But no matter what it is and how heavy it is, you must be prepare to learn from the mistakes.

Create Your Success,

Wong Michael. :-)

Remember, earning big is easy when you know how. :-)

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